Tuesday, May 03, 2011

E.L.F stand for???

we prom15e to bel13ve , 10ve the remaining 10, prot3ct the missing 3

SUPER JUNIOR.... my love....
ape kaitan ELF dengan SUPER JUNIOR? cume fans SJ je taw ELF 2 ape.... =)

 hehehe... pat pics kat atas ni dr fan page SJ... ELF actually stand 4 bnde len gak, ENDLESS LOVE FOREVER...
honestly la... mule2 dulu aq xkenal pn SJ ni.... xamek port sangat korea2 nieh.... tp mase aq kat matrix dulu, my beloved fren, lylys nme dy, swo aq dengar lgu SORRY SORRY, then terus je suke.... thanx alot to her, coz sebab dy la, hari ni, aq kenal SJ...
SUPER JUNIOR ni totally different than other kpop group bg aq....
1- dowg ramai, 13 owg.... + 2 lg SJ M
2-dowg kene face banyak glew halangan utk jd ape diri dowg hri nieh
3-dowg ad hard die fans that is ELF, and one of them is aq...

i proud to be an ELF... even there is so many haters out there, its ok... because ELF will owes stand behind SJ and support them.... even if one day, they are not on stage anymore, even my hair grow grey, even every members go  by their own way, its ok.... coz once ELF, forever ELF....

ad owg cakap kat aq, "xbosan ke ngan SJ nih?".."SJ 2 gay la..."... "lagu dowg 2 ntah pape" and so on...
tp ad aq kesah? lgu2 SJ, sume besh.. biase nye owg yg cakap cam 2, not even try to listen, then da nak critic... what the fish la!! bg yg cakap SJ 2 gay, kowg 2 yg xtaw ape, 2 actually care dowg tunjuk keakraban dowg.... dowg 2 more to family and siblings then just a group member... relationship dowg sangat kuat....
huhuhu... that's one of reason nape aq sk dowg,....

i love SJ.... forever.... they are my special one....
the one who can make my smile, laugh, cry like hell.... and make me happy..... 
bile aq rase sedih and no one to turn, i akan dengar lgu2 SJ, then yg magic nye, t akan jd ok....
aq xcakap SJ is everything, tp dowg ad dalam list bende2 paling pnting dalam idop aq.... bukan yg paling penting, tp ad dalam top 5... =) t nk carik bf pn, msti nk kne ELF gak, so t dy xkesah kne kongsi cinta aq dengan 13 owg len.... hehehe....

2 je la post kali nieh....